Our house captures graywater, a byproduct of showering and hand washing, through traditional plumbing. This water is directed into a bedrock system that requires minimal top watering, as the plant roots naturally extend into the bedrock for their irrigation needs.

This innovative process enables us to grow tropical food in Central Minnesota, where winter temperatures can plummet to 20 degrees below zero.

Currently, we are growing a variety of foods, including tomatoes, peppers, kiwis, mangos, avocados, cherries, figs, grapes, lemons, sugarcane, plantains, several types of bananas, beans, peas, vanilla bean, cilantro, parsley, aloe vera, agave, stevia, blueberries, strawberries, coffee beans, aji cachucha, and various microgreens.

In addition to edible plants, we cultivate a range of ornamentals such as ferns, hibiscus, jade, bougainvillea, spider plants, philodendron, cacti, succulents, kukui nut trees, and many others.