Off Grid Goat Privacy Policy
Information collected via SMS-Optin will not be sold, rented, or shared.
General Privacy Policies
We respect your interest in your privacy and as a result we have created this informational disclosure.
We collect and use personal information for many purposes, including but not limited to, billing; product and service fulfillment; to better understand our customer needs; to provide a better website, products and services; to communicate with customers and potential customers regarding our products and services and third party products and services.
Generally, your private information will only be disclosed to our owners, employees, manager, independent contractors, subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, attorneys, consultants, business associates, service providers, suppliers and agents, acting on our behalf or request. This general rule, and disclosures in specific situations, is more particularly described below.
You must be at least 18 years old to access this website. We do not direct this website to persons under 18, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of thirteen.
Information Collected by our ISP
The hosting provider for this Internet site (as with any Internet site) has the ability to record various information, including domain name, pages accessed, date and time of access, web browser type and computer operating system, and referring information, and to disclose this information. This is most commonly done by providing access to raw server logs. For more information you should perform an Internet search on ‘server logs’ or ‘raw server logs.’ We may have access to our raw server logs and access reports prepared by our hosting provider.
Financial Information for Billing Purposes
We sell products and services. When sales are made financial information must be disclosed. This information can include any number of facts you are asked to provide, but most commonly includes your name, financial / credit card information, billing address, and email address. Generally, this purchase information will be provided by you to a third party payment processor and we do not receive your financial / credit card information.
In the event we do receive financial / credit card information, we will not disclose it to anyone unless disclosure is required by law or a court order, or unless disclosure is required to address an issue implicated by the financial transaction. If you claim that your financial information was used to make a purchase you did not authorize, details about the financial transaction may be disclosed to law enforcement and anyone else we deem necessary to address the matter.
Use of email Addresses and other Contact Information
An important part of our services includes being able to provide information to you. As a result, you expressly consent to receiving communications from us via email, text or voice message to your cell phone, fax, telephone, mail, or any other delivery method.
As a customer you are agreeing to receive information about the product or service you purchased. This may include, but is not limited to, information about product or service updates, new features, or information we believe you may find interesting.
We may also send you information about other products and services our company offers.
We will not sell, provide, or transfer you email address to others.
We may allow advertising to our customers, or engage in joint ventures, which result in your receiving advertisements from selected third parties.
Identification of Purchasers
If you purchase one of our products or services, you authorize us to use your name and identification information in advertising or promotions.
We also use personal information in an aggregate form (i.e., not individually attributable to you) for business analysis, operational, marketing and other promotional purposes.
Cookies may be used to keep track of referred affiliate commissions and to monitor access to our website. You consent to any future use of cookies for testing purposes and the use of cookies for publicly available data to gather statistics for the purpose of determining which search engines, referring sites, key words, etc., bring visitors to our website, which pages visitors are most interested in, what web browsers are used, etc. Various providers may be used for this purpose. The purpose is to obtain information that will help promote the website, make the website more interesting and useful to visitors, and to identify areas where improvement is needed.
Additionally, various third party information suppliers and other entities that provide information for this website, or for use by us, may use cookies. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to billing providers, third party advertisers, and third party resources we promote.
Disclosure by Necessity
Private information may be disclosed if required by a court order, statute, law, or regulation.
Information is subject to disclosure to address a claim that you are violating the terms of any agreement pertaining to your use of your use this website or our products or services, or rights of any third party.
Information is also subject to disclosure if we believe that disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring an action against someone who may be causing injury to or interfering (either intentionally or unintentionally) with our rights or property, your rights or property, other users of our website, products or services, or anyone else.
As we continue to develop our business, we or our affiliates may sell or buy other businesses or entities, or we may merge with another company, or be bought by another company. In such transactions, personal information may be one of the transferred assets.
Your information may be stored and processed in any country in which we maintain facilities or conduct operations. By using our website, products and services, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.
After your account becomes inactive your information may remain in our databases, computers, and archives, and cannot reasonably be expunged.
Prohibited Uses
You will not assign, sublicense, transfer, pledge, sell, lease, rent, lend, or otherwise dispose of the content, or any part of it, or share your rights under this Agreement, to others.
You will not give others access to any username and password you receive.
You will not provide false or misleading information to us.
Consent to Use Information
When you communicate with us, send us information, or provide content to us or out website, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable right to exercise all copyright and publicity rights you have in the content, in any manner whatsoever, in any media now known or which may be created in the future, including in other works and forms not associated with this website.
No Waiver of Rights
Our failure to enforce any rights granted in this Agreement or to take action against any other party in the event of any breach shall not be deemed a waiver by us as to subsequent enforcement of rights or subsequent actions in the event of future breaches.
This Agreement in all respects shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of California, to the exclusion of any other applicable body of governing law, without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
This Agreement is entered into in Benton County, Minnesota. You agree and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state of Minnesota and county of Benton for any dispute arising from or related to this Agreement.
In particular, you agree that any and all disputes arising from or related to this Agreement will be decided by binding arbitration pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Those rules can be found at The arbitration will take place in Benton County, Minnesota. Each party will be responsible for their own attorney’s fees. Arbitration replaces the right to go to court and have a judge or jury decide the dispute. All claims must be arbitrated on an individual basis and cannot be combined, consolidated, or joined with the claim of anyone else. No class action, private attorney general, or other representative form of action is permitted. The arbitrator’s authority is limited to the individual claim either party may have.
Should any term of this Agreement be declared void or unenforceable, that term shall be severed from the Agreement such declaration shall have no effect on the enforceability of the remaining terms.
This Agreement contains the complete and entire understanding and agreement between you and us and supersedes any previous communications, representations, or agreements, verbal or written, related to the subject matter of this Agreement.
This Agreement may not be modified or amended orally, impliedly, or in any manner not set forth in writing or permitted by this Agreement.
This Agreement may be amended by us at any time and without notice, but only by amending this Agreement as posted on this website, unless otherwise agreed to in a writing signed by both of us.
Any amendments will become effective 30 days after being posted on the website, unless circumstances require that a change be immediately implemented. As a condition for this Agreement you agree to periodically check this Agreement posted at this page.
You agree that your continued use of our product or service after that date will constitute your consent and acceptance of the amendment.
I recommend certain products and I may be using affiliate links that are not always obvious.
Date of this Agreement: March 16th, 2023
Modifications: None.